Chanel G. Photography

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Soulful Self-Portraits Series II

Earlier this year I did a post sharing some soulful self portraits taken by a handful of talented women photographers. I enjoyed putting together that post so I decided to do a second series! 

I posed each photographer the question "What traits do you see in yourself when you view your own self portraiture?" Below are their answers and accompanying photographs:

1. @jenniferkapala

"When I see my own self portraiture I see a rawness and vulnerability that's often hidden and not many people see, but is truer to who I am than the masks I wear daily." 

Find more of Jennifer's work HERE.

2. @wildbyrdsphotography

"I look at them and see vulnerability. At the same time I also see strength and courage. I often doubt myself, and my creativity, but the woman in these pictures seems fearless and confident. I see honesty about where I am emotionally." 

Find more of Casie's work HERE

3. @angela.doran

"When I take a self-portrait, I'm able to see me. The me that exists behind all the lens; the me that isn't buried under Instagram posts and internet perceptions. The me that allows me to just be. Most of all, I see my honest self." 

Find more of Angela's work HERE

4. @beextraphotogenic

Find more of Brittany's work HERE


"The traits I see in myself when viewing my own self portraits would be independence and strong, but also very self-critical." 

Find more of Jessica's work HERE

6. @traci.elaine

"I see the underlying sadness that I carry. I think I'm always grieving as I feel deeply and this shows up in my self portraits." 

Find more of Traci's work HERE

7. @bluecicadaphotography

"A self portrait to me reflects my mood of the moment and the intention with which I took it. I see a story. I don't see 'flaws' or 'qualities'; I see and read emotions in the body language, expressions of the face, what I see reflected in my eyes if I am looking."

Find more of Caroline's work HERE

8. @sarelan

"I see a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a woman with a point of view."

Find more of Sarah's work HERE

9. @christinabeckettphoto

"Sometimes it's how I see myself and other times it turns into how my children must see me. I want them to have authentic images of their mother because so often we are hidden behind our cameres." 

Find more of Christina's work HERE

10. @cmsoulphotography

"I see stubbornness and strength and flaws trying to appear perfect. I see a human attempting to navigate an unsure world with surety. I see a softness, a vulnerability."

Find more of Christina's work HERE. 

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