Chanel G. Photography

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7 Essential Podcasts You Should Be Listening To Right Now

Over the past few months, I've become a huge advocate for podcasts. They're a good source of entertainment that can still simultaneously provide education (unlike vegging out on the couch while watching reality tv)(....don't get me wrong - I watch reality tv, too. But I'm just sayin').

My favorite times to listen to podcasts are while I'm getting ready in the morning (versus getting distracted by tv), during my commute to and from work, and also while I'm working (using earbuds is a definite requirement for a few of these, by the way).

If you've never heard of podcasts, think of them as talk shows that you listen to instead of watching. I listen to them using my free Podcasts app that comes on my iPhone, but you can also listen to podcasts via Soundcloud.

There are several other apps, both free and paid, that you can use to stream and listen to podcasts. Pocketcasts is an affordable app, and Stitcher Radio is a free option. 

The topics covered in all of the various existing podcasts is so vast and range, there's sure to be one that speaks to whatever type of talk you're looking to listen to at the moment. Seriously, if there's something you're looking for you're sure to find it! Podcasts are having a moment right now, and that's luckily for us. 

Currently, I've been listening to podcasts having to deal alot with business, love, and just life in general. Below I'm going to share MY current fave podcasts, but make sure to leave recommendations on any of your favorite podcasts you think are worth listening to that I should check out! 

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  • The Read

    • good for: laughs

The Read is a podcast hosted by two individuals by the name of Kid Fury & Crissle. Their discussions are mainly centered on current entertainment news.

Warning: the show can be a pretty vulgar and their episodes tend to be a bit long (usually around 2 hours). With that being said, you're GOING to laugh, so make sure you're not listening to this podcast in a library or a similar location where quietness is a necessity. 

  • Dear Sugar Radio

    • good for: love & life advice, introspection

Dear Sugar Radio is hosted by Cheryl Strayed (author of "Wild") and Steve Almond. On their podcast, they read letters that are written and sent in by their listeners and then they offer advice.

They also have guests chime in that are experts on the various topics addressed in the listener letters. Warning: the topics discussed can be a bit heavy and possibly triggerinh, but this podcast does provoke a lot of personal soul searching which can cause some introspection to take place - so that's awesome.  

  • How I Built This

    • good for: business

How I Built This is a podcast hosted by Guy Raz where he interviews various entrepreneurs that have built well-known companies (such as Starbucks, Kate Spade, and Five Guys). Through his interviews, he highlights the important turning points in their careers and personal lives. These podcasts tend to seem shorter than the others on my list, so I would suggest these as good listens for car rides to and from work. 

  • Myleik Teele's Podcast

    • good for: business and general life advice

Myleik Teele is the founder of the successful subscription company CurlBox and her podcast is very raw and stripped down (no fancy intro or ads), which makes it easy to glean the information she provides to her listeners.

Her podcast is very no-nonsense and provides insight into being an entrepreneur and career woman, as well as covering topics concerning your love life and overall wellness. She also occasionally interviews other entrepreneurs for valuable career and life advice, but her rule is that she must know the person before she's interviewing them so it's never just competely random.

The thing I like most about Myleik's podcast is she's very straighforward with no frills; for that reason I would definitely recommend this as a podcast you can listen to while at work.

  • Hashtags + Stilettos

    • good for: business

Hashtags + Stilettos is hosted by Sakita Holley and was one of the very first podcasts I discovered and listened to (along with Girlboss Radio) that really got me into listening to podcasts regularly.

On her podcast, Sakita personally offers up advice to budding entrepreneurs, and she also interviews successful entrepreneurs about their journeys through their careers. Although Hashtags + Stilettos isn't currently posting on a regular basis, she has an archive of valuable episodes that are definitely worth listening to.

  • The Six Figure Photography Podcast

    • good for: photographers

The Six Figure Photography Podcast is hosted by photographer, Ben Hartley. On his podcast he interviews leading figures in the photography industry and retrieves advice for up-and-coming photographers that are wanting to grow their businesses.

His interviews range from being educational and dealing with more business topics, to being overall inspirational for creativepreneurs in general. No matter what topic is covered in the episode, however, it's always very informative.

  • The Friend Zone

    • good for: mental health and wellness, laughs

The Friend Zone would probably be my current favorite on this ENTIRE list. The podcast is hosted by 3 friends by the names of: Francheska (also known as HeyFranHey), Dustin, and Assante. Their main focus is on promoting holistic wellness, with a large focus on mental health (because who in the hell wants a musty brain?), for their listeners. They do this by discussing current topics that are taking place in the world, difficulties our generation is facing, and through responding to listener letters. 

Their discussions are not only informative, but they're also SUPER entertaining. Fran tends to provide listeners with a lot of points for valuable introspection and encouragement to improve the overall health of your life, Dustin is ridiculously hilarious, and Assante ALWAYS has good musical suggestions. So basically this podcast has all bases covered. 

If you chose to listen to only ONE podcast off my entire list, I'd heavily encourage you to pick this one. Seriously.

I hope you give podcasts a try and check out some of my suggestions. If these aren't up your alley, I encourage you to research all of the different podcasts out there and find the one that speaks to you (because trust me, it's exists! You just gotta find it, promise).

Did any of these make it onto your list of current fave podcasts too? are there any you feel like should have made my list? Drop your suggestions below for myself and other readers to check out!