Chanel G. Photography

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New To Blogging? Here's What You Need To Know

Blogging is an awesome way to connect with others creatives and share ideas and inspiration. However, getting started with a blog can be a bit overwhelming. From initially setting up your blog to keeping the ball rolling once you've started, there are many things to keep in mind throughout the process of getting started. 

Here's 5 tips to keep in mind when starting your own blog:

1. Decide on the point of your blog

Before you even set up your blog, I'd suggest the first thing you do is to decide on the point of your blog. Is it to educate? To inspire? Simply to share your work? Whatever your blog's aim may be, decide on this before you begin.

Deciding on the point of your blog before you begin will help you in 3 ways:

1.  It will help you when setting up the template for your blog
2. It will help you decide on how often you'll update
3. It will help you decide on what type of content you'll want to add

2. Pre-write 5 posts

Before you press "publish" on your very first post, I believe you should already have 5 pre-written posts ready to go. 

The worst thing you could do is launch a blog with one post and then wait another month before you get inspired again with something else you want to share.

Having 5 pre-written posts already set up ensures that once you start up your blog you already have anywhere from 2 - 5 weeks' worth of material, depending on how often you post.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't write another new post for 2 -5 weeks, after you've run out of pre-written posts. It simply means you already have back ups for those times when you're too busy to come up with new material, or are simply lacking writing material.

Those pre-written posts provide you the opportunity to avoid getting bit by the burn-out bug.

3. Keep a line-up of 3 posts ready to go

Similar to tip #2, I think you should always have at least three posts written up in your drafts section. Having 5 pre-written posts is a good start, while having 3 (at the least) is a good number once you've gotten things rolling. 

Keep in mind, every post doesn't have to be super long to be informative. There are many different types of posts that will help your readers, and  you can find a few different post idea examples here. 

Whatever type posts you decide to include on your blog, I definitely recommend having 3 in your draft rotation.

4. Don't do too much research

For the love of all that is holy, DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT do too much research before getting started. I promise, you will fall down the rabbit hole.

There are so many different aspects that go into having a successful blog (depending on your definition of "successful", of course). Researching everything that goes into blogging can be a bit overwhelming. And there's ALWAYS something new to learn and incorporate.

I encourage you to not try to learn it all before you begin. Yes, that is in bold for a reason. Because it's very important.

Many people never start things they really want to do because it seems overwhelming to get started. How do you plan a solo trip backpacking through Europe for a month? How do you plan an event for 500+ people?  Those sound like overwhelming things to tackle, right?

Sometimes you just have to start. Book your flight, then figure out the rest. Put the deposit down on the venue, then tackle the next step in planning. Pushing past that overwhelmed feeling by just jumping in is the way to go, in my opinion.

So: write up your startup blog posts, pick one out to be your first, then push publish. Just jump in.

And figure out the rest along the way.

Remember, "done is better than perfect" so start where you're at and improve your blog as you learn more throughout the process.

5. Be comfortable knowing no one may read it at first

Before you begin blogging, I think it's important to embrace the thought that your blog may go relatively unnoticed at first. 

This shouldn't be disheartening, though. This should actually comfort you. Expecting this will lessen the disappointment if your first few posts go by without any recognition from others. 

Nothing great is built in a day, and that applies to your blog as well.

Even if it feels like no one is reading the material you're putting out, keep putting it out there. And make sure it's your best. At the end of the day, you can always refer readers to articles in your archives once your blog does gain traction. Just make sure that you're providing material worth reading from the start.


5 Tips For Starting Your Own Blog

  1. Decide what the point of your blog is.

  2. Pre-write 5 blog posts.

  3. Keep 3 pre-written posts in your drafts.

  4. DO NOT do too much research beforehand.

  5. Overcome the "no one cares" fear and publish your blog anyway. 

Starting a blog can feel like a daunting task, but it's ultimately something that can help you boost your business and attain your goals. These 5 tips can help you get started on your blogging journey to share your wisdom and talents with your readers.

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