Chanel G. Photography

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How To Host A Workshop | 10 Lessons I Learned Along The WaY

In just a week I’ll be headed to California to teach at Click Away conference covering the topic of Confidently Photographing Confident Women. Preparing for my class makes me think back to my own workshop I hosted in July of last year. Putting together this workshop was QUITE a process and I learned a few lessons along the way that I'm going to share:

1. DON'T PROCRASTINATE. Do what you can as early as you can. Although I knew procrastination is a bad habit before putting together this workshop, this process really solidified this idea for me.

2.  Use fear to motivate you, not hold you back.

3. Expect to have issues. Everything won't flow smoothly. There will be some rough patches. Expect them and try not to stress out too much when they do come around.

4. Market, market, market. Market until you feel like you're annoying people. Then market some more. 

5. Plan to hire an assistant and budget for it. Realize you won't be able to handle everything yourself throughout the entire process, so pre-plan to hire an assistant at some point.

6. Don't spring your workshop on people. Give your potential attendees time to prepare by announcing what's to come several times before you actually launch. 

7. Don't assume. I assumed SO much during this process and it really bit me in the butt a few times. So never make assumptions, just do the research and base what you know off of facts.

8. Ask for help when you need it. I hate asking for help but putting all of this together was overwhelming at times and having others around to help definitely eased the stress.

9. Keep track of all unexpected expenses so you know to account for them next time. 

10. Celebrate! At the end of the day, the accomplishment of putting together something as substantial as a workshop is something to be proud of. So allow yourself to enjoy your accomplishment

I’m excited to be traveling to Cali and to be surrounded by other women who are ready to be inspired throughout the weekend.

If you’re attending Click Away drop a note below and let me know which class you’re most excited to attend!

Are you interested in attending the next run of my workshop?

Find out more information below: