27 Things I Learned In Year 27
- Rejection doesn't mean give up. Sometimes it means re-group, then try again.
- Asking for help is sometimes necessary.
- God has blessed me with the gift of writing., so I have to use that gift somehow to help others.
- If you need a break, take one.
- The older you get the more you realize just how crazy some of your relatives are.
- Honey roasted BBQ sauce at chick-fil-a is real AND real delicious.
7. Being vulnerable is equal parts scary and beautiful.
8. Sharing your message is important. Even if you're afraid no one cares, you never know who needs to hear what you have to say.
10. Your body really does change after 25.
11. Sometimes not giving someone a reaction is so much more satisfying than giving a reaction ever could be :)
12. A vase of peonies can easily brighten your day.
13. You HAVE to mention switching to Directv if you call your cable company to have your bill lowered. You just have to.
14. An attitude of gratitude really does change things.
15. EOS hand cream is really just that. HAND cream. Do not attempt to use on elbows.
16. Sometimes your "issue" with someone else is really an issue with something about yourself.
17. Don't let being alone stop you from doing.
18. It's okay not to be okay.
19. Learning how to inspire yourself is important.
20. It's perfectly acceptable to not like what everyone else likes.
21. Shame is a feeling created by society.
22. I'm terrible about procrastinating. I should work on that.
23, Cheap screen protectors are not meant for people like me who drop their phone religiously.
24. Stressing is not productive in any way, so there's no point in doing it. (Still learning to put this into practice, though).
25. I'm better at meeting new people than I originally though.
26. I like hiking. I still hate bugs, but I do enjoy hiking.
27. Allow yourself to pour into others when they need it. Allow others to pour into you when you need
I'm so thankful for another year of life.