So I’m a little late sharing February’s photos from my iPhone 365 project, and I have to be honest… I fell off. HARD. It’s only the second month and I’ve already lost steam.
Now, I could be super hard on myself and give up on this project.
I could offer myself grace and decide to catch up on my project.
I’m going with the latter. As I’m typing this, March is coming to a close so I’ll be pushing myself over this next week to pull together photos for this month.
Here is the month of February collectively:
And a few of my favorites:
Proof that there’s beauty, even in the end.
I fell in love with this patterned light created by the morning sun.
The shedding of old things remind us that Spring is on its way.
An iPhone self portrait.
My favorite Atlanta coffee shop with its Parisian theme + the quirkiest decor.
I hope you guys are faring better with any personal projects you may have taken on than I currently am. If you find yourself struggling too, hang in there and keep pushing through! It may be difficult to not throw in the towel now but I’m sure it will pay off in the end if we stick with it.